Thursday, October 27, 2016

Get To Know ESPN Announcer Allen Bestwick

My weekly series of questions continues this week with ESPN sportscaster Allen Bestwick. Bestwick called races for Motor Racing Network, TBS, NBC/TNT sports, then covered races on ESPN from 2007-2014. Shortly after ESPN's NASCAR run ended in 2014, Bestwick transitioned to calling IndyCar races and sporting events.

1. How did you get your start in broadcasting?
Allen: My public high school, Coventry RI High School, had a radio club that I joined. That turned into an actual FM radio station at the school. Began broadcasting high school football, basketball, and baseball games plus being a disc jockey while still in school.

2. You've called NASCAR races over the years, now call IndyCar races, and sporting events. How was that transition for you? And how do you juggle between two totally different sports?
Allen: I'm a fan of all sports, my wife says the only thing that ever comes on our TV is the 11pm news and sporting events. I watch hours of game tape, read all I can on whatever my next event is, and study, study, study!

3. How much do you prepare before you call a sporting event? For example, stats, player info, opponents.
Allen: You can not read and watch in advance of an event. while there are tons of notes written, they are like studying because you almost NEVER look at them during a broadcast. It's like an oral quiz for 3-4 hours.

4. What's the most exciting part of calling a broadcast?
Allen: Unlike writing, when you do a broadcast there's no backspace key, no spellcheck, no editor to fact-check what you say. You think it, say it a split-second later and it's out there for the world to consume and criticize. That's like walking an electronic tightrope for hours at a time with no net. The focus needed to get it almost-always right is intense. I love it!

5. How nerve-wracking was it to call your first Indy 500, a few years ago?
Allen: No it was not nerve wracking, it was a blast. It's an event I have truly loved since I was a kid and to finally get the chance to work it was so much fun! Bucket list stuff.

6. Most exciting race you've called?
Allen: Really hard to pick one, there have been so many. But Dale Earnhardt Junior's win at Daytona in July 2001 had many things wrapped into one: the first race of NBC's new contract, the drama of the race, no matter who won, and the emotion of Junior winning the first race at Daytona after his Dad's passing... hard to top.

7. Name one talent you have which no knows about?
Allen: Sadly, there isn't one! I can't cook, paint, sing, etc. I'm a broadcaster... it's who I am and what I do, and you can see and hear that all the time.

8. Day or Night Events? Day. Just a "work" thing, it's nice to have an afternoon event and be able to have a normal dinner or travel home afterwards versus hang around all day, work at night (without eating dinner), and then spend the next day traveling home. But I will do either day or night shifts, gladly!

9. Is there a sporting event that you would like to announce for, that you haven't got too yet?
Allen: I've been blessed to do many great events over many years, but there are still plenty that I would gladly do. Rose Bowl, Stanley Cup Playoffs, LeMans, Olympics, etc.

10. Finally, if you weren't a broadcaster, what would your career choice be?
Allen: NO IDEA! This is all I've wanted to do since I was a kid. I just can't imagine not having had that dream come true.

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